we create all
your marketing content
(so you don’t have to)

From Moment Film CO.


What is exposure?

Everybody out there knows that good marketing these days requires content. lots and lots of content.

You need to make good stuff for just about everywhere: facebook, linkedin, youtube, blogs, ads, even that crazy new thing called tiktok. or that crazy old thing called radio.

but the reality is, you don’t have the time, or the patience, Or A CRAZY BIG budget. instead, you’re full of big thoughts, thoughts we can help you turn into good business.

ROI. money in the bank. revenue that that soothes the soul and impresses everyone in the C-Suite.

so whether you’re a start-up that needs to wow investors, an interior design company that needs to wow new clients, or a fortune 500 company that needs fractional marketing EXPERtISE - the exposure program CAN HELP.

give us a shout to learn more.

question: How do you turn EMPTY buzz phraseS like ‘content marketing’ + ‘Social media’ into action?

by finding that sweet spot about what you do. By building credibility and relevancy for an audience that CAres.

on paper, it sounds pretty easy, doesn’t it? After all, most of us have a story worth telling.

But the wrinkle is in the execution. of being able to tell that story again and again, day after day, in new and exciting ways.


BECAUSE The only hack we know is CONSISTENCY. One idea, one piece of content, and one post at a time.

That’s how WE can start changing the world TOGETHER. BY GETTING PEOPLE TO TAKE ACTION.




The great State of Washington came to us because they needed help promoting their 529 college savings plans. What they wanted was a full suite of content, from SOCIAL to WEB to TV and radio that would capture the hearts of new parents everywhere.
so we jumped into the ‘discovery phase’ and started
doing the heavy lifting.



George Bernard Shaw said it best: The hardest part about communication is the illusion it has occurred.


For every project, we spend a lot of time just listening. then WE both answer a questionnaire that helps define the ‘why’ behind what you do. This may seem like a small thing, but this is where the magic happens.

In the case of WA529, we started to understand that these spots had to be about more than saving money. They had to be about building a future for the ones we love.

From this, we developed the creative brief. We like to get quite granular with our briefs, exploring things like campaign success metrics, CTA’s, creative ideas, even music choices to help establish tone. This document becomes the cornerstone of everything moving forward.

This is also when we start to dig in on how we can maximize each shoot day to create as much content as possible. By taking a smart approach at the outset, we can create what is needed to build frequency and reach - and move the needle for a better campaign.

It’s only then, after we’ve really listened and exchanged ideas with you, that we start to script. For this project, we ultimately presented 5 concepts to a focus group commissioned by WA529. And ‘Grady Turns 1’ was born.

The challenge? Now we had to turn all these deliverables into reality…

WA529 Deliverables

Sample Script

Our tagline ‘Don’t borrow your children’s future, build it.’ is now the cornerstone of all of WA529’s marketing efforts.


Sample Schedule

Building a Pre-Vis to assure Proper Timing


“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” – Abraham Lincoln

There’s no substitute for proper planning. With every project, there’s a thousand and one things that need to be scheduled, cast, booked and built. But remember, you don’t project manage this one, we do.

For the WA529 project, there were definitely a few challenges - the first - working with a baby. As much as this is an unknown variable in life it’s ten times so in filmmaking, fortunately by reaching out to our talent network and with a little luck, we were able to find Paxtin McGann (cute as a button). Then the biggest stroke of luck was being able to cast his entire family in the spots (local Seattle actors Kelsi Umeko, Curt McGann, and grandparents) plus use their house - which made Paxtin feel much more at ease.

Meanwhile our cinematographer Chris Koser was putting together a shot list, our production designer Mel Cooper put together look-books and mood boards, and we assembled our crew.



Ahhh, working with babies. There was one scene we were shooting that we thought would be a snap, of our little hero Paxtin eating a birthday cake with his hands. Little did we know, Paxtin is a gourmand at heart, and he wanted nothing to do with ruining a perfectly good cake. So we had to be patient, do a small rethinking and rewrite of the scene, then roll the cameras.

That’s the truth about production: no matter how much planning you put into it, life intervenes. But if you know that at the outset, you can find the serendipity in those moments, often better than anything we could’ve written in the first place. Paxtin’s approach, and his grabbing of a sprinkle and offering it to his Mom, was one of those moments.

By building that time into the schedule and by following our pre-production plan, we were able to shoot exactly what we needed to make all our 60+ deliverables possible over 2 shoot days.



Because everything was scheduled and everyone knew the plan, we were able to work closely with the WA529 marketing team to get things done and reviewed on time. There’s a funny saying in the business, fix it in post. Which basically means letting the editor deal with it. The real answer is to fix it in prep. If everyone knows what is happening and when, you can build the runway for a successful flight.

Check for yourself how closely we were able to match the commercials with our initial vision.

Take a look and listen to some of the other deliverables, which includes shorter social pieces, radio and banner ads to drive people back to the campaign.

TV and Social examples:


Radio Samples:

Web Banners:


The result? Here’s what the client had to say:

WA529 is proud to have worked the talented team at moment.film to produce our newest (and best, we might say) creative campaign for TV, radio and digital.

Kudos to them, and kudos to everyone who helped us make this project a reality. #thankyou

If you enjoyed this breakdown, we’d love to hear from you.
If you made it this far,
the least we can do is buy you a coffee.