Sample storyboard frame.


CROSSING THE RUBICON: Stories from the Creative Trenches

After our deep dive into the Creative Brief - which you’ve signed off on by now - we move into the creative phase. This phase usually takes a couple weeks and has many shapes and sizes, but the output is generally 3-4 script ideas based on what we’ve explored together. These 3-4 ideas are presented in A/V script format, followed by a rationale of how each idea meets the campaign goals to drive success.

In all cases, we present only those ideas that fall within budget and timeline scope.

We then review the scripts together and pick a few top contenders, and revise them until we reach consensus on the one we know will work and has the most potential to create lots of content. Maybe we’ll put together some storyboards to review, maybe we’ll put together an animatic to explore timing and proof of concept, anything we can do to vet the idea and make sure it’s truly the best approach.

This includes scripts of various lengths to accommodate the content funnel approach, and might even go so far as to include an editorial calendar to help guide which piece of content (like a TV ad) will be launched and where.

Getting it right in this phase is critical, and we do whatever it takes to make that happen.

Click here to view a sample script.


LAYING THE GROUNDWORK: Once we’re both confident we’ve landed on scripts that will seriously move the needle, we jump into pre-production. This is exciting stuff, because we’re sharing locations and casting choices with you, wardrobe ideas, script refinements, and everything else in between. This includes shotlists and shoot day schedules as well, so we’re all on the same page as to what happening and when.

At this phase, we’re often emailing you a daily update for review and feedback. Like we said before, you don’t project manage this one, we do. Each and every step of the way.

THE MAKING OF THE THING: Once the scripts are locked and pre-production has laid the ground work for a successful take-off, we get to say those magical words: We’re rolling.

It’s here the cameras come out of their cases, the talent shows up, the lights are turned on, the craft service is table is set up, and we get to start making the thing we set out to make in the first place together. With you at our side, this is truly the fun part, the part we look forward to more than any other. For it’s here, on set, that we finally see our ideas come to life.

THE EDITING OF THE THING: When the shooting stops, the cutting begins. By this time, we all share a collective vision of what all the deliverables look like, but often serendipity happens here. Because it’s in the editing bay where we often see new angles we didn’t see before and uncover new meaning to the story - all shared with you in two rounds of revisions plus final polish. We use for the review process, making it super simple for you to provide your notes and feedback.

And again, following our bulletproof schedule you know exactly what to expect and when - so you can plan for a successful launch. Success rarely happens by accident and it’s all the planning and attention to detail that makes it all work. Which leads to...


Yep, this is where all the good things we made together get released into the wild. We not only deliver everything on a hard drive with all RAW footage you own to do whatever you want with (like edit new spots or pull photos from - some talent/music restrictions may apply), but also via Google Drive you can use as long as you want as a library for all the deliverables.

Which in this case was 60+ deliverable shot over 2 days, including TV, radio and Web banners. Kick-ass collaboration and execution makes it all possible. Contact us to learn more.

Kudos to a great project, and a great client.

Deliverables Include:


That’s a Wrap.
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