The primary goal of any company is to have demand exceed supply. This is what will change the world of business for each and every one of us.

But the question remains: how do we achieve this? How do we get a line outside the door (or in our inbox) that that allows us to be both selective and gives us the price-point flexibility we would all love to have?

It’s a good question. In fact, it may be THE question.

One thing that is known for sure in 2025 is that the people and businesses who make more conections with their potential customers/audience will have a higher level of success. Daniel Priestly in his excellent book ‘Oversubscribed’ explains a formula that we’ve embraced at Moment Films, and that we think you should too.

It’s called the 7-11-4 Rule.

Do you have 7 hours of content online that people can dig in on? Is there 11 interactions that people can have with you, either virtually or otherwise? And can they find you in 4 different places, whether it be Facebook, Youtube, Substack, or (gasp!) even TikTok.

No business is exempt from this. Even us, who it might be argued could really use a kick in the ass in this regard.

So over the course of this year, we’re going to be exploring KEY STRATEGIES and tactics we all can use to up our connection game. Yes, creating content plays a huge role in this, but more importantly we want to help each other tap into ‘the storytelling gene’ that exists within each and every one of us. No exceptions.

So join us on this adventure. Together we can forge new way of doing thing that moves beyond the simple grind of the ‘content engine’ and into a place of joy - that place of joy that is found when we tap into meaning and purpose deeper than before.

We can draw the map together. Join us.


The 7-11-4 Rule