we create all
your content
(so you don’t have to)

From Moment Film CO.

question: How do you turn a buzz phrase like ‘content marketing’ into SALES?

by finding that sweet spot about what you do. By building credibility and relevancy for an audience that CAres. By generating demand in market before going to market.

TIDAL VISION is changing the world with new innovations, including AgriScience that uses one of earth’s most powerful biomolecules for a healthier population and planet. This is a substantial opportunity to reach key stakeholders, and get them coming to you for the value + the transformation.

Not tomorrow. Today.

we do this together, by building the story: One idea, one film, one piece of content at a time. by waving the flag high and demonstrating the broad applications of these new technologies. by communicating that With this innovative polymer, anything is possible - Scalable solutions that solve some of our greatest challenges.

sounds like fun, doesn’t it?

  • if we’re lucky enough to work together, the exposure program will do one thing above all others: clarify story and value proposition to your defined audience of big partners and big investors - in a language they immediatEly understand. this collaboration becomes the cornerstone of everything we do, and answers the ‘Why’ across all marketing moving forward.

  • then, before any concept development or scripting, we do a deep dive into distribution to define how we will reach our audience. This will determine what we make, as email content ≠ social content ≠ web content. The goal is frequency and reach, to the Tidal Vision audience that matters.

  • we think in terms of ‘campaigns’ - not JUST one off videos. we ask ourselves: how can we create as much content as possible, as quickly as possible, at a price point that makes sense? Based on our distribution plan and what we strategize together, this could include a video anthem, photos, short form videos, blog posts, press releases and articles, audio content, and much more.

from here, we start developing the creative hook that brings in your audience,
and we present you with 3 campaign ideas and associated spin-off content.

A process THAT delivers.

Storyboards make the world go round.

Our tagline ‘Don’t borrow your children’s future, build it.’ is now the cornerstone of all of WA529’s college savings campaigns.

what a schedule might look like

anD remember, we project manage this one.

you made it this far >

how about I buy you coffee?
